The Redesign Your Life Online Program includes:

  • Expert instruction to help you understand the underlying causes of stress.
  • Self-assessment to evaluate your stress level. 
  • Practical exercises to help you recognize your stressors and ways of dealing with stress.
  • Worksheets to help you successfully manage your mind and reduce your stress.
  • Powerful meditations to release the fear and that has accumulated in your nervous system



Within minutes of registering for this course, you will receive access to your first lesson. Each week, you will receive a email notifying you that the next lesson is available. 

This is a fully online program that can be done from the privacy of your own home at times that are convenient for you. Everything you receive as part of this program is yours to keep and you will be able to refer back to it whenever you need to. 

Through introspection, self-examination, meditation and reflective exercises, you will learn where your stress is stemming from and how to live in a life of peace, happiness and success. 

Module 1 - Self-Discovery

The Self-Discovery Guided lessons will help you uncover the fears, challenges, and obstacles that are causing you to shift who you are in certain relationships and environments. When you stand in who you really are and get over the fear of how people are going to react to you, you can start showing up to your life in your full power and start living life on YOUR terms.

Lesson 1: Timeline
Lesson 2: Losing Yourself
Lesson 3: Releasing Rejection
Lesson 4: Rediscovering Yourself
Lesson 5: Creating a New Vision

Module 2 - How to De-Stress

Learn what stress is, how it manifests in the body and drives motives, and how it differs from fear. Discover why people handle stress differently and see how to differentiate helpful forms of stress from paralyzing types. Also, learn to deal with stress in a healthier manner.

Lesson 1: Evaluate Your Stress Level
Lesson 2: Dealing With Stress
Lesson 3: Managing Your Mind
Lesson 4: De-Stress Strategies
Lesson 5: Releasing Stress

Module 3 - True Happiness

If it feels like your happiness depends on something happening or not happening, it will always be a fleeting illusion. This lesson will help you recognize the elusiveness of this search for happiness and help you find true peace and happiness from the inside out. 

Lesson 1: The Truth About Happiness
Lesson 2: Breaking the Illusion
Lesson 3: Releasing Painful Thoughts & Emotions
Lesson 4: True Happiness
Lesson 5: Accepting Emotions

Module 4 - Take Charge of Your Life

Living responsibly is a simple concept, but a challenging process. Learn what it means to take responsibility for your mental and emotional wellness. Discover how to view suffering as an option, rather than dragging it along with you for the rest of your life.

Lesson 1: Taking Charge
Lesson 2: Taking Responsibility
Lesson 3: Coping Mechanisms
Lesson 4: Changing Your Habits
Lesson 5: Living Intentionally

Module 5 - Heal Your Life & Your Relationships

Whether you struggle with your parents, children, romantic partner, siblings, or an old friend, it is possible to heal your relationships, no matter what's happened. In this lesson, learn the importance of managing your mindset, practicing forgiveness, and being honest with yourself to achieve the life you’ve always wanted.

Lesson 1: Healing Past Relationships
Lesson 2: Healing Your Life
Lesson 3: Forgiveness
Lesson 4: Releasing Painful Experiences
Lesson 5: Reprocessing & Reconciling the Past

Module 6 - Healthy Communication & Boundaries

Learning to communicate from a sincere, honest place – not from our old hurts – is not an easy task. In this lesson, you will learn how to say what you need to say without creating drama and start exponentially increasing the odds of having your needs met. You will also learn to set healthy boundaries to preserve your mental, emotional, and physical energy. 

Lesson 1: Healthy Communication
Lesson 2: Game-Changing Tips
Lesson 3: OPEN Communication Strategy
Lesson 4: Setting Boundaries
Lesson 5: Preserving Energy

Self-Care & Self-Worth

This lesson will help you tune into what's really working for you - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually - and get committed to enhancing your self-worth and taking care of yourself in a profound way.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Self-Care
Lesson 2: Profound Self-Care
Lesson 3: Self-Worth
Lesson 4: Positive Strategies
Lesson 5: Getting Support

  • 0 Videos

  • 1 Quiz

  • 31 Worksheets

  • 15 Files

  • Getting Started

  • Losing Yourself

  • Releasing Rejection

  • Rediscover Yourself

  • Creating a New Vision

  • Congratulations!

  • Evaluate Your Stress Level

  • Dealing with Stress

  • Mastering Your Mind

  • De-Stress Strategies

  • Releasing Stress

  • Congratulations!

  • Introduction

  • Breaking the Illusion

  • Releasing Stress & Painful Emotions

  • Happiness Habits

  • Accepting Emotions

  • Congratulations!

  • Introduction

  • Taking Responsibility

  • Coping Mechanisms

  • Changing Patterns & Habits

  • Setting Intentions

  • Congratulations!

  • Introduction

  • Healing Painful Past Experiences

  • Forgiveness

  • Reprocessing Past Experiences

  • Letting Go

  • Congratulations!

  • Introduction

  • Game-Changing Tips for Emotional Conversations

  • O.P.E.N. Communication

  • Module 4: Setting Boundaries

  • Preserving Your Energy

  • Congratulations!

  • Introduction

  • What is Self-Care?

  • Enhancing Self-Worth

  • Self-Care Strategies

  • Reaching Out

  • Congratulations!